The tradition of using silver and gold foil to decorate food originated from the ancient Ayurvedic practice of using precious metals. Varak, a Sanskrit word means cloth, cloak or a thing that covers something else.

It has been used to cover sweets in the Indian subcontinent from ancient times. Endorsing this history, the name Varak was chosen for it’s unique meaning. Varak is a gourmet luxury pâtisserie brand that takes inspiration from the glimmering flakes of gold that have been used to add an ethereal touch to works of art. Divjyot, the founder identified the opportunity to create and supply the best quality artisan pastry with the finest of ingredients. A self taught chef with an appreciation for details and sophistication, curiosity is what drives her to stand out from the rest. Varak’s offerings include afternoon tea cakes, desserts, Florentine barks, gateaux as well as a bespoke service.