As part of this year’s Dubai Design Week, Killa Design invite’s visitors to an open studio at their offices to explore a photography exhibition which will present the studio’s architects’ perception of architecture in Dubai.
As part of this year’s Dubai Design Week, Killa Design invite’s visitors to an open studio at their offices. Alongside the event which will showcase the ethos and philosophy of Killa Design in a unique way, is a photography exhibition which will present the studio’s architects’ perception of architecture in Dubai.
Titled Dubai SuperSEEDed– the exhibition is an analyses of the city’s urban fabric. As with any city, Dubai is constantly evolving and in the process, leaves behind some parts which are underdeveloped; some areas which are ‘unrefined fragments’ of the urban fabric; and yet others that are embryonic territories not yet grown to become part of the city envelope.
Some areas coexist with the city. These areas are often overly saturated and exploited and their constant necessity of being utilised makes it impossible to think of an alternative development for them.
Both cases, being completely different, impede the city from having an organic developed urban fabric. Because of these areas, the city becomes a collection of many individualities as opposed to one unique living organism.
The aim of the exhibition is to initiate discussions around the possibility of superseding the existing with a better reality and plant seeds for a new alternative Dubai. SuperSEED’s analyses concentrates on identifying these areas and, through a pragmatic yet Utopian design approach, proposing new entities, new formations, inceptions for new ramifications of the existent.
In this new vision, the city will not only be a place where people move from point A to point B, but an entity to go through, where movement is not a necessity but a choice for new urban experiences.
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