The Dutch Design Center in Dubai has partnered with Dutch initiative NE-AR. This powerful collaboration proudly presents ‘Dutch Design’ by Studio Mieke Meijer and Olivier van Herpt.
The Dutch Design Center in Dubai has partnered with Dutch initiative NE-AR. This powerful collaboration proudly presents ‘Dutch Design’ by Studio Mieke Meijer and Olivier van Herpt.
Studio Mieke Meijer is a collaboration between Mieke Meijer and Roy Letterlé. They work on self-initiated and commissioned projects in the field of furniture, lighting and product design from their workshop in Eindhoven (The Netherlands). The Studio applies both traditional and modern materials and aspires design solutions that both reflect the logic of the construction and respects material properties, without losing artistic freedom.
Olivier van Herpt works at the intersection of traditional craftsmanship and contemporary industrial design. He focuses on the technology separating these two domains, i.e., the machine.
Unhappy with the limitations of existing 3D printers, both in scale and degree of achievable detail, Van Herpt—with endless patience and curiosity—designed a machine capable of printing forms many times bigger, more complex, and more delicate that anything possible thus far. Using his 3D printer, he has developed a new visual language, creating attractive forms and textures that evoke science fiction, origami designs, traditional weaving, cacti, or ancient weathered rock.
Van Herpt wants the technologies he develops, now and in the future, to be available to everyone. He hopes this will make production more democratic, reduce the distance between designer and user, and maybe even have them coalesce.
The Dutch Design Center is an inspiring online and offline platform for the best and latest of Dutch design that aims to spark unique collaborations internationally.
Building an inclusive and dynamic community is one of the Dutch Design Center’s main strategic priorities; to exchange knowledge, educate, unlock business opportunities and innovate across borders.
NE-AR is a bridge building initiative between The Netherlands and the Arab world. As design is a creative and very open-minded discipline, NExAR believes design is the way to create cross-cultural and multi-disciplinary relationships that inspire entrepreneurial enterprise.
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