For a thousand years craftsmen and builders have created geometric compositions according [...]

27 October | 9 - 11am
Room 06, Building 5, Dubai Design District (d3)

For a thousand years craftsmen and builders have created geometric compositions according to certain rules, and Eric Broug introduces Islamic geometric design principles and shows examples of historical best practices.

Designers and architects joining this master class will learn how to incorporate the simple and scalable patterns of Islamic geometric design in their practices, by doing justice to this design tradition's heritage while looking at further opportunities for innovation.

About Eric Broug

Eric Broug is an author and educator, specialised in Islamic geometric design. His first book, Islamic Geometric Patterns (Thames & Hudson, 2008), has made this design tradition accessible to many people around the world. It is also available in Farsi, Turkish, French and Dutch. He will be talking about his latest book Islamic Design Workbook (Thames & Hudson, 2016) during the Dubai Design Week. Eric is from Holland and lives in the UK.

Seats are limited and pre-registration is required.
Please email [email protected] to sign up and register.