Animated or Interactive, Motion Design appeals to a much wider audience and, with that, helps reach a larger number of people [...]

27 October | 12 - 2pm
Room 06, Building 5, Dubai Design District (d3)

Animated or Interactive, Motion Design appeals to a much wider audience and, with that, helps reach a larger number of people. It also maximises the impact of the told stories. The difference isn’t in the production and final presentation of the Motion and Interactive Design. The importance lies in how graphic designers think through their story in motion differently than in the still image, and what other factors influence the decision of making that design Interactive.

Looking at case studies and best practices, participants in this workshop will be introduced to the latest tools that designers use for each format of Motion Deign, as well as to the different techniques for animation and interactive multimedia.

About Naji El Mir

Naji El Mir is an awarded French Lebanese graphic designer and creative director, and co-founder of the Parisian studio Ne—Po. He studied graphic design at the Lebanese American University, and holds a Masters degree in Interactive Multimedia design from La Sorbonne.

His work is known to blend influences from the visual cultures of Europe and the Arab world. He participated in the Typographic Matchmaking project for the Khatt Foundation in Amsterdam, and assisted Studio Philippe Apeloig to design the Louvre Abu Dhabi visual identity and signage system. He’s an active partner of Visualizing Impact for which he designed several infographics. He also art directed and animated many documentaries and interactive films for Arte Tv and France Télévision.

Naji's work has been published in many design books and he has taken part in several exhibitions from New-York to Tehran. Naji frequently gives lectures and workshops on design, typography and calligraphy.