Inviting kids and adults to Downtown Design on the 17th of November 2017 to be part of…
O concept store will showcase significant and unique interior designs and home decor…
Taking place Nov 13 – Nov 18 and held at the Audi Lounge on the ground level of…
Making its debut at Dubai Design Week this year the Super Design Market. Supported by…
Discover lighting for the next generation. Andrea Sensoli and Andrea Buzzi explore not…
Taking place Nov 13 – Nov 18 and held at the Audi Lounge on the ground level of…
AJCCC will be hosting art workshops, ceramic exhibition and public engaging…
Fleur’s Finds will feature and sell a curated selection of unique jewels at Dubai…
The Driade Showroom will be transformed into a pop-up gallery with limited edition…
Downtown Design are excited to announce an exclusive collaboration with Landscape…
MUTEK, the Canadian-based, worldwide established international festival that…
Taking a look at traditional materials and design methodologies, Middle East Design…
Inviting kids and adults to Downtown Design on the 17th of November 2017 to be part of an exciting series of robotic workshops…
O concept store will showcase significant and unique interior designs and home decor brands from all over the world namely France,…
Taking place Nov 13 – Nov 18 and held at the Audi Lounge on the ground level of building 5 (d3); the Audi Lounge comes to life…
Making its debut at Dubai Design Week this year the Super Design Market. Supported by House of Folly, it places a pop-up concept…
Discover lighting for the next generation. Andrea Sensoli and Andrea Buzzi explore not only how light defines and decorates the…
Taking place Nov 13 – Nov 18 and held at the Audi Lounge on the ground level of building 5 (d3); the Audi Lounge comes to life…
AJCCC will be hosting art workshops, ceramic exhibition and public engaging performance for families and children at Dubai Design…
Fleur’s Finds will feature and sell a curated selection of unique jewels at Dubai Design Week and celebrate innovation and beauty…
The Driade Showroom will be transformed into a pop-up gallery with limited edition pieces from Philip Starck, Borek Sipek, and the…
Downtown Design are excited to announce an exclusive collaboration with Landscape Architecture studio, desert INK.
MUTEK, the Canadian-based, worldwide established international festival that celebrates the very best of digital creativity and…
Taking a look at traditional materials and design methodologies, Middle East Design Now! portrays designers and artists from a…
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