Screen is a freestanding, interactive installation at the main entry point for the fair that allows for multiple entry routes and acts as a shelter for visitors.

Designed by Lujaine Rezk & Albert Kolambel

14-17 November | 10am – 10pm
18 November | 10am – 7pm

Between buildings 5 & 7, Dubai Design District (d3)

Lujaine Rezk is a designer and producer based in Dubai. Her interest in the production and fabrication aspects of design, and the investigation of space, place, community and culture are at the heart of her emerging practice and work.

Albert Kolambel is an interior designer born in Kerala and raised in Dubai. Since graduating, he has worked at a fast-paced design firm specializing in luxury residential and retail projects, and he has a particular interest in the fabrication aspect of design.

Screen is a freestanding, interactive installation at the main entry point for the fair that allows for multiple entry routes and acts as a shelter for visitors. It is inspired by a conceptual interpretation of moucharabieh, traditional Arabian screens made of lattice woodwork that are an iconic element of conventional Islamic architecture. Moucharabieh are an essential aspect of Islamic culture, as they provide privacy for female residents of a house, giving them a good view of the outside while being completely unseen inside. They were generally used on the street side of the house as well as internally on the courtyard side.

The installation is an architectural structure that focuses on the idea of controlling the different levels of privacy through positioned views. The overlaying of the architecturally informed frames through distance creates opacity and a density towards the center of the design. Constructed of wooden frames with stretched sheer fabric layered in space, it allows visitors to walk through and around it to experience the varying levels of privacy and shade.