As a leader in sustainable design, Morphogenesis goes far beyond the confines of conventional architecture and is leading to a new kind of environmental response.

15 November | 4 - 5pm
The Forum at Downtown Design, d3 waterfront, Dubai Design District (d3)

Free to attend- Pre-register HERE for entry

As a leader in sustainable design, Morphogenesis goes far beyond the confines of conventional architecture and is leading to a new kind of environmental response. With a simplistic, pared-down approach to design ethos and environmental sustainability, founders Sonali and Manit Rostagi will discuss how they have repetitively succeeded in challenging the myth that green buildings are more expensive to build. In this talk they will communicate to us how the optimization of all available resources synthesized with design can result in energy efficient radical designs. Morphogenesis abstracts the vernacular with no resort to mimicry, achieving sustainability by an intelligent use of traditional materials and techniques.

About Manit Rostagi:

Manit Rastogi is a founding partner of Morphogenesis and a managing partner of Morphogenesis education. Morphogenesis is one of India’s leading award-winning Architecture and Urban Design practices with over 80 international and national awards. Manit’s philosophy is to create a sustainable architecture through the framework of an evolutionary practice inspired by nature, with an emphasis on passive design. Manit’s commitment to sustainable environments goes beyond the realm of architecture practice. As a founder of The GRIHA Council, India’s own Green rating system, Manit works with urban policymakers to spearhead initiatives with an emphasis on environmental sensibility and social welfare.

About Sonali Rostagi:

Sonali Rastogi is a founding partner of Morphogenesis; working across a diverse canvas ranging from architecture to urban design, landscape and interior design, Sonali is passionately interested in the materiality and craft in architecture, and is deeply invested in the detail of building. The literature of ‘History and Theory’ of architecture is also of profound interest to Sonali. Both Manit and Sonali authored Morphogenesis’ first monograph ‘Morphogenesis: The Indian Perspective, The Global Context’, published by Images Australia under their Master Architect Series. A strong proponent of the arts and crafts, Sonali is a founder member of Manthan, a platform for creative individuals who seek to share, discuss, engage with and evolve concepts and ideologies.