A hands-on online program focused on design for social impact. Participants learnt how to apply the basic design thinking principles to a specific societal challenge.

The Design Thinking Factory aimed to share a new way of working; Design Thinking. This methodology showed ways of working in possibilities instead of solely dealing with problems.

Within this Design Thinking Factory, challenge of finding new design opportunities for the excessive water usage in the Gulf Region were taken. Questions which were addressed included: How can we make it more attractive to diminish water usage in our day to day life? Will this be a new campaign? Or new water service in public transport? A new way of using water in the food-industry? A new way of watering agriculture? In this workshop participants learnt how to define a new design-concept for this specific challenge.

This was an online session.

About NExAR

NExAR is a bridge building initiative between The Netherlands and the Arab world in the field of design. Design is a discipline that is known for being creative and open-minded. NExAR stimulates people and organisations to work across cultures and disciplines and to learn from each other’s perspectives and experiences.