by Dina Faour and Fatima Al Suwaidi at American University in Dubai
Asas tells an exciting story of a fifty-year old journey, filled with risks, challenges and rough times; this is an ongoing journey that keeps proving to be an unprecedented success.
Commemorating the 50th anniversary of the UAE, 50 prints interpret 50 themes and keywords, hightlighted repeatedly in sayings and quotes from the leaders of our beloved UAE.
For project Asas, Professor Dina Faour collaborated with student, Fatma Al Suwaidi, to produce this playful exercise that uses the Arabic dot, the foundation of the Arabic letter, to interpret words that form the foundation for a thriving nation.
Asas depicts themes such as vision, faith, perseverance, resilience, bravery, humanity, hope, failure, competition, success, strength, justice and creativity.
About Dina Faour
Dina Faour is a professor of Advertising, curating events and activities that compliment her coursework and that allow for exclusive, direct engagement with various industry professionals. She is actively working, through her professional affiliations, on setting standards across creative industries. Dina also showcases her own works regularly and writes for public platforms on creativity, branding, advertising, academia and more.
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