Professor Michael Rice of the American University of Dubai demonstrated the process of throwing clay on the wheel.

The throwing of clay on the potters wheel has an enduring fascination, success and failure are sometimes seconds apart and it’s an enjoyable process to understand and watch. Using his knowledge and skill as a professional ceramicist Michael introduced the wheel and the techniques of how to create form and scale.

About Michael Rice

Ceramicist Michael Rice makes sculptures, surfaces and textures that are difficult to date to a specific culture or place. His aim is to create completed objects with aesthetics that are visually striking but also have a familiarity of form. His post-firing techniques make the most out of the least materials, and his finishes are straightforward yet complex, creating a dialectic that transcends simple visual meaning, moving into iconic or ceremonial territory. Complementing the shape of each piece, these techniques create a synthesis that results in an archetypal presence.